17 Jan “Order of Dedication” of St. Columba Catholic Church, Hopewell NJ
Dedication of St. Columba Catholic Church performed by the Most Reverend Bishop Gerardo Colacicco
St. Columba Catholic Church in Hopewell Junction NY just completed a Renovation of the Church under the guidance of Reverend Michael McLoughlin. All lighting fixtures were upgrade to LEDs. All new Italian Porcelain floors were installed with Marble Inlays. A New Choir Area was built into the Side of the Nave, all new custom Italian Marble Flooring and Steps in the Sanctuary with Marble Inlays were installed; a new Baptistry with complementary marble designs was build off the sanctuary. Custom and complementary Italian Marble Ambo and Tabernacle Throne were placed. The Altar with the Last Supper was custom designed by the now newly Ordained Bishop Colacicco.
Most Reverend Bishop Gerardo Colacicco performed the “Order of Dedication” on January 5, 2019.